Managing Behaviour in Physical Education


Become a master at managing behaviour in physical education.


Managing behaviour is crucial for effective learning, and this course explores various components involved in behaviour management, such as equipment management, transitions, emotions, safety, and space management. By reflecting on your current practice and considering desired impacts in lessons, you'll be able to enhance your teaching skills and create an inclusive environment that supports every pupil's growth.

This course is specially designed to address the unique challenges of managing behaviour in physical education and is particularly relevant to primary practice, offering practical tips and strategies for effectively managing behaviour in a PE setting. It's important to remember that all behaviour is contextual, and this course will empower you with the tools to navigate these complexities.


Free mini-course:  

  • Course overview
  • Course aims
  • Managing the learning environment.

The course leader, Greg Dryer introduces the course "Managing Behaviour in PE," emphasising its relevance to primary practice and providing practical tips to effectively manage behaviour in a PE setting by applying teaching skills and strategies. The importance of behaviour management in facilitating effective learning is explained, covering essential components like equipment management, transitions, emotions, safety, and space management. The course encourages participants to reflect on their current practice and consider desired impacts in lessons and includes a personal goal resource for self-improvement. Join now to enhance your PE teaching skills! 

Take this free mini-course >>


Taking the full course: 

  • Enhance your physical education instruction by revisiting the skills and strategies that boost your self-assurance.
  • Learn practical strategies for improving Behaviour Management in PE
  • Explore the relationship between creating a learning-focused environment and managing behaviour
  • Gradually but consistently make changes to PE teaching over time to have a real impact on how pupils learn and experience PE
  • Learn about alternative pedagogical approaches that can improve pupil engagement, learning and behaviour in physical education.
  • Gain the knowledge that is typically not covered in most general behaviour management courses.
  • The course includes: 4 Modules, 12 Units, 12 Videos, 5 Learning Hours and 4 Resources 

Module 1: What is 'good' behaviour? 

Unit 1: Introduction and Course Aims
Unit 2: What does good behaviour in PE look like?
Unit 3: The Challenges

In Module 1, you'll meet the course leader, Greg Dryer, as he highlights the importance of behaviour management in facilitating learning, covering essential components like equipment, transitions, emotions, safety, and space.

Greg discusses defining good behaviour and the significance of positive reinforcement, suggesting avoiding exaggerated language with children. He shares personal experiences with disruptive behaviour and emphasises the need for teacher reflection.

The module concludes by encouraging consideration of positive reinforcement distribution and potential unequal sanctions, addressing difficulties in PE, such as time constraints and lower status compared to other subjects.

Module 2: Quick Wins

Unit 1:  Communication – Verbal and Non-Verbal
Unit 2: Responding – Some Do’s and Don’ts
Unit 3: Examining the common causes of challenging behaviour

In this Module, you will learn how to enhance your physical education lessons by implementing strategies for high expectations and effective communication. Utilise both verbal and nonverbal skills, model activities, and establish routines to reinforce instructions.

Consistency and positive reinforcement are emphasized to motivate and engage students. Creating a positive learning environment involves using positive language, reinforcing expectations, and assertiveness when necessary.

Various scenarios, such as equipment distribution, class management, and activity demonstrations are addressed. Using multiple access points for equipment, familiar signals, and giving pupils a purpose for watching demonstrations to enhance engagement are advocated. Prevention through planning and rebuilding relationships after addressing unwanted behaviours are also highlighted. 

Module 3: Positive learning environment

Unit 1:  Being clear on ‘success’
Unit 2: Praise and Reward
Unit 3: Motivation and Autonomy

In this Module, the focus is on consistency in language, structures, and assessments in PE to create clarity and high expectations for student learning. Inclusivity is emphasised, defining success based on individual criteria to provide equal opportunities. The units highlight different ways of giving praise, supporting a hierarchy of ability, criteria reference praise, and praising the process itself.

Various teaching styles are explored, from 'command style' to 'self-teaching style', emphasising the benefits of giving learners more autonomy and choice in their education. Providing autonomy is shown to increase motivation and reduce unwanted behaviour, aligning with self-determination theory's focus on competence, relatedness, and autonomy in fostering motivation and enhancing learning outcomes.

Module 4:  Learning and Behaviour 

Unit 1:  Just Right Challenge
Unit 2: Learning Tasks
Unit 3: Pedagogical Approaches

In Module 4, the focus is on the "just right challenge" concept, setting tasks slightly beyond pupils' abilities without overwhelming them. You will learn how to increase the challenge through adjustments in space, time, tasks, equipment, and groups. The module provides examples of progressive challenges in various activities like throwing and catching, gymnastics, swimming, and invasion games.

The emphasis is on pupil ownership, allowing them to set their challenges and draw inspiration from their peers. The module breaks down barriers to sports participation, promoting the benefits of sports for physical and mental well-being while teaching valuable life skills. It also explores alternative approaches like games-based learning, sport education, and cooperative learning, highlighting their positive impact on pupil engagement and behaviour.

Managing Behaviour in Physical Education

Special Price:  £250   £175 

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