CPD Memberships, Qualifications and Courses that raise your game and the profile of the physical curriculum in your school
Led by industry experts and recognised by the Association for Physical Education Professional Development Board, CPD memberships, qualifications and courses from Aspire:ED are designed for those involved in teaching or leading PE, school sports and physical activity.
The goal is to help you enhance your knowledge, skills and confidence in the fight against inactivity. And because you are busy, CPD memberships, qualifications and courses are available whenever, wherever and however you need them.
Whether you are an experienced PE lead, an NQT who wants to enhance their subject knowledge or an aspiring primary school teacher.
RB Gym & Sport Aspire:ED CPD Courses

Teaching an Enriched Primary Gymnastics Curriculum: Full Course
(Learning hours: 10)
Created by Ryan Bradley, former international gymnast and founder and director of RB Gym & Sport, this course gives you the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach an enriched skill-based gymnastics curriculum. This Teaching an Enriched Primary Gymnastics Curriculum course is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of primary gymnastics skills and progressions, increase your confidence and ability to teach and physically support gymnastics elements and support the planning and assessment of gymnastics in your primary school.
Price: £300

Teaching an Enriched Primary Gymnastics Curriculum: Mini-course
(Learning hours: 0.5)
Meet course creator and leader Ryan Bradley, founder and director of RB Gym & Sport. Ryan introduces you to RB Gym & Sport, their philosophy, the aims of the course and what you’ll achieve. This free mini-course gives you access to module 1 unit 1 which focuses on warm-ups for KS1.
Price: £0

Teaching an Enriched Primary Gymnastics Curriculum: KS1 course
Module 1
(Learning hours: 4)
Developing fundamental movement skills is a key tenant of the KS1 national curriculum. Module 1 of this course develops your understanding, ability and confidence in teaching KS1 gymnastics, so you can support children in mastering these critical movements and skills.
Price: £150

Teaching an Enriched Primary Gymnastics Curriculum: KS2 & High-Ability Pupils
Module 2 & 3:
(Learning hours: 6)
Module 2 takes you through KS2 gymnastics skills and progressions. In module 3 the focus is on advanced gymnastics skills, you will gain the knowledge, confidence and ability to deliver lessons that challenge your higher-ability pupils, supporting their continued progression.
Price: £225
Other Aspire:ED CPD Courses, Qualifications & Toolkits

Inclusion and SEND in PE and School Sport
(Learning hours: 4.5)
Led by LUSU Sports, this CIMSPA-endorsed course is packed with practical resources and expert training designed to foster inclusive environments in schools and communities. Gain confidence in delivering fun, supportive lessons that cater to children of all abilities and needs. Learn effective strategies for inclusive activities and overcome common challenges. Perfect for those looking to make a positive impact through inclusion.
Price: £195

Mastering Outdoor Adventurous Activities
(Learning Hours: 3.5)
This comprehensive CIMSPA-endorsed course provides a detailed exploration of the significance of Outdoor Adventurous Activities in Physical Education and the broader educational context, with a focus on orienteering and skill development, team building, problem-solving and the development of confidence, transferable skills, resilience, self-esteem and a deeper connection with nature, contributing to well-rounded personal and academic growth.
Price: £160

Managing Behaviour in PE
(Learning Hours: 3)
This course is specially designed to address the unique challenges of managing behaviour in physical education and is particularly relevant to primary practice, offering practical tips and strategies for effectively managing behaviour in a PE setting. It's important to remember that all behaviour is contextual, and this course will empower you with the tools to navigate these complexities.
Special Price: £175

PE Deep Dive Toolkit
(Learning Hours: 4)
This comprehensive toolkit aims to help benchmark your current provision and create a sustainable strategy for PE and well-being by providing practical guidance and examples. It includes six recorded webinars by Primary school PE Consultant Vanessa King that explore the six focus areas of a PE Deep Dive, 20 resources and supporting documents and a recorded expert-led workshop,
Price: £20

1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Multi-Skills Development in Sport
(Learning hours: 34)
This qualifies learners to work as independent multi-skills development coaches in sport and physical activity. It provides knowledge and skills to coach multi-skills and how to enhance sessions with the principles of fundamental movement skills and fundamental sports skills. Suitable for individuals who are ready to take on the responsibility of the ongoing development of participants of various ages in this area or if they work in Physical Education and School Sport across the curriculum.
Price: £400 £300 introductory offer

Physically Active Learning in the Early Years
(Learning Hours: 15)
This course from Helen Battelley looks at blending both academia and movement to create a kinaesthetic classroom. The focus is around developmentally appropriate provision and applying a child-centred approach to learning to deliver the early learning goals and support continuous provision into KS1.
Price: £295

Inspiring Early Years PE, Physical Activity and Physical Development
(Learning Hours: 11)
Created by Early Childhood, Physical Activity and Movement Play Specialist, Helen Battelley, this course is suitable for anyone working with children aged 3-7 years and it will be instrumental for your future practice in PE and physical activity provision.
Price: £295

Early Years Courses Bundle Special Offer
(Learning Hours: 26)
The Helen Battelley courses: Physically Active Learning in the Early Years and the Inspiring Early Years PE, Physical Activity and Physical Development courses normally cost £590 when purchased separately!
Price £395

Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum: Full Course
(Learning hours: 30)
Developed by Crichton Casbon, a nationally and internationally recognised expert in the physical curriculum, Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum in Your Primary School is a three-part course which requires approximately 30 hours to complete. The course is self-paced, enabling learners to dedicate time when it is available, and covers three areas: Intent, Implementation and Impact.
Price: £400

Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum:
Module 1 of 3
(Learning hours: 6)
Consider what you want children to learn and become as you develop your understanding of a high-quality physical curriculum; appreciate its value, set standards and establish expectation
Price: £150

Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum:
Module 2 of 3:
(Learning hours: 15)
Devise an implementation plan setting out a high-quality physical curriculum, effective use of resources, impactful teaching, constructive planning and useful assessment. Meet expectations, deliver results and enable children to feel success and confidence in their physical being.
Price: £300

Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum:
Module 3 of 3:
(Learning hours: 9)
Discover the difference you’ve made to your pupils with an impact assessment and evaluation system that works. Establish whether pupils are meeting expectations, evaluate their level of progression, discern how you can increase impact and become a leader of change.
Price: £200

Robbie Webb, PE Specialist and Primary School Teacher, St Judes C of E Primary Academy, Wolverhampton, UK.
“Started the Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum course this week. Just finishing off Unit 1 with the presentation to my Head and Governors. It's great being able to pick up where I left off whenever I choose.. Crichton is fantastic and extremely informative. This makes me want to know more and move onto the next unit.”

Katie Bamforth, Coordinator of Dance and PE Teacher, British Embassy School Muscat, Oman.
"The Early Years Physical Education, Activity and Development course has been pivotal in expanding our dance and movement provision, as part of the EYFS curriculum. The wealth of high quality, easily accessible videos and accompanying resources, have helped to enhance teaching delivery and learner engagement, with notable progression."