Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum:
Impact Module
Price: £200
Unit 8 - Striving to be the best possible
The big question: What do you have to do to increase your impact on learners?
Discover the difference you’ve really made to your children.
Taking you through the first three stages of a six-step impact evaluation process, this unit ensures you obtain a strong evidence-based evaluation.
Measure your children’s current level of success, judge the extent to which children are meeting expectations and use your data to prioritise areas for greater impact.

Unit 9 - Choosing the best approaches to bring about impact
The big question: How do you plan and implement a programme for increasing impact?
It’s time to put an action plan in place.
Now you’ve got your priority areas of impact from Unit 8, you need to decide the order in which they will be tackled. Learn why it isn’t always the most demanding priority that takes first place.
Identify the approaches available to you to achieve your priorities, refine those approaches based on suitability and measure the impact achieved.
With steps four to six covered in the six-step impact evaluation process, you’ll have gained a system of continued reflection and action necessary to bring about change for pupils to progress.
Unit 10 - Becoming a great leader
The big question: What do you need to do to lead the process of change and improvement?
Build a portfolio of activities and ideas to develop your leadership skills to bring about change for improvement.
First covering the concept of what it is to be a great leader, you will identify areas upon which to focus in order to be that very leader.
Using those leadership fundamentals, discover how to affect change for the better in people, time, space and pedagogy. Encourage others to engage in, sign up to and invest in your project of change.
Develop your project management and people management; manage change in impact, manage project elements and keep people interested.
As a key part of project management, performance development is considered, reminding us all that what we are doing is about people, it’s about supporting, caring for and developing people.
Lead a process of change and make a difference to children’s lives, you’re ready.

Embedding a Powerful Physical Curriculum:
Full Course
Intent, implementation and impact make up one whole, that whole being a powerful physical curriculum embedded in your primary school. Each of the three modules feed into and strengthen one another; they form a cyclical process, one which you will gain in full. On completion of the course, you will have a fully formed, ready to action plan for your school’s physical curriculum and will have saved £250 in the process.
See Full Course